◊ Job Openings Alert ◊◊: The National Bobwhite and Grassland Initiative Foundation (NBGIF) is hiring an
     RCPP National Coordinator and an Administrative Assistant! We aim to fill these positions by August 1, 2024.
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Hunting Public Land Quail

As an avid bird hunter I hunt both public and private lands and have had many quality hunts on both. However, as many of you have likely experienced, hunting quail on public lands is often more challenging. So much so that hunters are often left with t…

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Got Habitat?

I loaded up my 3-year old English pointer, Ranger, along with the necessary gear to sustain us for 2 days of quail hunting in north Missouri. As I pulled up to Shane’s house, a rancher friend of mine, he greeted me with shotgun in hand and a German sho…

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2016 Missouri Quail Quest

North Missouri MRAP Hunt
We prepared to step into the field from our parked truck, shotgun in hand. My birddog Trapper was racing around the truck, ready for the hunt to begin. My hunting partner Chris shut the truck door and 10 yards from the truck a …

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Using An ATV Sprayer for Habitat Improvements

As Spring is now fully upon us, many landowners are out preparing their properties for their upcoming habitat work this year, whether that means converting some cool season grasses to native warm season grasses (NWSG) or prepping the ground for their a…

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Spring 2015 Covey Headquarters Newsletter Available

As we begin to see a few 60 degree days, the doldrums of winter begin to fade away and the rejuvenation of spring takes over.  It is certainly my favorite time of year, as geese and ducks make their way back north, turkey flocks break up and toms start…

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Simple Steps to Refresh Your Winter Cover

As the recent cold winter weather across much of Missouri has had many of us rushing for the warmer cover of our houses, offices, and vehicles, so too do the wildlife that are out searching for quality habitat to escape from the extreme temperatures an…

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CRP Update – CP38 SAFE and CP33 “Quail Buffers”

As of mid-January, Farm Service Agency (FSA) county offices stopped accepting applications for the CP38 State Acres For wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) Bobwhite Quail project.  Why you may (and should) ask?  Because Missouri was rapidly approaching it’s ac…

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Are you using the right cut stump herbicide?

Disclaimer: I am not an expert in all herbicides. Always read and follow the safety and application guidelines from the herbicide manufacturer.
It’s the time of year that many of us grab the chainsaw and set off to complete some winter habitat work. On…

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