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Spring 2015 Covey Headquarters Newsletter Available

As we begin to see a few 60 degree days, the doldrums of winter begin to fade away and the rejuvenation of spring takes over.  It is certainly my favorite time of year, as geese and ducks make their way back north, turkey flocks break up and toms start waking up the world each morning with some furious gobbling, and we begin to hear the whistles of male bobwhites and crows of cock pheasants as they stake claim to their own little slices of heaven.  Hopefully, those small slices of heaven include some really good nesting and brood rearing cover so that the next generation will be around to do it all over again next year!  The spring 2014 edition of the Covey Headquarters newsletter provides some great informational articles and tips on improving your habitat, along with some opportunities to get out and attend a workshop.

The features in this edition include:

  • Scott Sudkamp, Small Game Coordinator for the Missouri Department of Conservation, provides a very interesting article on why Missouri doesn’t seem to have more ring-necked pheasants in What About Pheasants?
  • A Calendar of Events, including many prescribed burn workshops happening in the next few weeks around the state of Missouri.
  • The quarterly habitat management activities for March, April, and May.
  • Food plot seeding rates and planting times.
  • And other articles you may have already seen here on the MOre Quail Blog!

Download the spring edition of the newsletter, and many previous editions, at the Covey Headquarters Download Page.

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