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Penny Barnhart

Quail Forever Journal

In “Making CRP Work Better for Quail” in the summer 2011 issue of the Quail Forever Journal, Dave Smith writes “The future of declining bobwhite

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Knox County

<p>Knox County: home of many bob-whites</p> <p> </p> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus volutpat nunc vitae lorem cursus mattis. Aenean sodales lacinia

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&lt;p style=”text-align: center;”&gt;&lt;img name=”usa_contiguous” src=”images/usa_contiguous.png” id=”usa_contiguous” usemap=”#m_usa_contiguous” alt=”usa contiguous bobwhite” width=”688″ border=”0″ height=”415″ /&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;map name=”m_usa_contiguous” id=”m_usa_contiguous”&gt; &lt;a shape=”poly” coords=”429,232,444,233,445,229,503,220,516,204,508,196,508,191,503,187,499,189,495,189,488,188,484,184,479,185,480,188,478,190,472,191,472,195,470,199,467,204,464,205,464,203,461,203,460,207,458,206,455,207,453,209,447,208,444,211,440,217,437,219,438,223,432,222,430,224,429,232″ href=”” rel=”rokbox[640 360] title=” alt=”Kentucky”&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

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NBCI Niche: Top Of The Pyramid

The need for a national bobwhite strategy is demonstrated by our collective failure.  If a laissez faire, everyone-for-himself, bobwhite conservation approach was sufficient then bobwhite

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Wings and a Prayer

Bryan Brasher with The Commercial Appeal in Memphis, TN examines habitat loss and its impact on once common birds in the Mid-South in “Wings and

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