◊ Job Openings Alert ◊◊: The National Bobwhite and Grassland Initiative Foundation (NBGIF) is hiring an
     RCPP National Coordinator and an Administrative Assistant! We aim to fill these positions by August 1, 2024.
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NBCI Niche: Top Of The Pyramid

The need for a national bobwhite strategy is demonstrated by our collective failure.  If a laissez faire, everyone-for-himself, bobwhite conservation approach was sufficient then bobwhite populations would be in fine shape everywhere.  Clearly, that approach comes up far short.

Now we have a simple choice:  (1) continue the failed laissez faire approach; or (2) try something different.  Bobwhite conservationists, to our credit, finally opted for (2).  Thus arose the NBCI.


Don McKenzie

Former NBCI Director, Don McKenzie is a product of the deep South, steeped in its cultures of hunting, fried catfish, barbeque and SEC football. He survived an abrupt transition from hip boots in South Carolina to dark suits in Washington, DC as a professional wildlife advocate specializing in agriculture conservation policy.

During 6 ½ years in DC, he engaged the community of southeastern bobwhite quail biologists, and soon became their most active representative on federal conservation policy issues. McKenzie eventually arose as a national leader for what now is recognized as arguably the largest and most difficult wildlife conservation challenge of this era—restoring huntable and sustainable populations of wild bobwhites across much of their range. He was a facilitator and editor of the original “Northern (now “National”) Bobwhite Conservation Initiative,” published in 2002, and has been the national leader for implementing the initiative since 2004.