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- Create Date October 3, 2017
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"The 23rd Annual Meeting of the National Bobwhite Technical Committee (NBTC) was held in Knoxville, Tennessee July 25-26, 2017 as a part of the Joint Quail Conference (JQC). The 23rd was unique in being held in conjunction with the 8th National Quail Symposium (Quail 8) which occupied all of July 27-28. On July 26, the NBTC meeting ended and Quail 8 started with a joint poster session which was held in the Knoxville Sunsphere. An Eyeworm Workshop was held on Thursday evening July 27 as an adjunct to NBTC and the Quail 8 symposium.
The JQC was attended by ~300 individuals from ~30 states and Mexico. There was a broad mix of state and Federal agency personnel and university faculty and students. There was ample opportunity for quail enthusiasts from throughout North America to interact during the NBTC. A survey of registrants is planned to better measure opinions on this joint meeting but anecdotally the meetings were given complementary comments.
The [attached PDF includes] the reports that have been officially submitted by the NBTC Steering Committee and each of the standing NBTC subcommittees. These reports are mostly presented the way they were submitted with only some light editing. There is a separate report on Firebird Awards and on the Eyeworm Workshop."