Jump Starting Your Quail Population – Part 2
By Scott Sudkamp In my last post, I gave a brief review of some scientific studies that have demonstrated the poor success of penned bird
By Scott Sudkamp In my last post, I gave a brief review of some scientific studies that have demonstrated the poor success of penned bird
Mark Hutchings Private Land Conservationist, Mt. Vernon With landowners like Mark Costley in southwest MO, bobwhites certainly have a better chance of making a comeback
By Bill White Through a partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever (QF),
By Scott Sudkamp A question I frequently hear from landowners engaged in quail habitat management programs is whether they should consider using pen-reared birds
The old adage “success breeds success,” is rooted in truth. Success builds confidence and credibility, no doubt. Much debate has raged among the scientific and
STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS Man’s got to know his limitations… –Clint Eastwood, Magnum Force, 1973 The eastern states’ wild bobwhites have been declining for
By Bill White We hope to see you stop by the Landowner Help Room at the Pheasantfest and Quail Classic Event coming to Kansas
By Bill White A little habitat management was all it took for a perfect ending to the quail season. January 15 was the last
In November, I lamented a fundamental bobwhite conservation problem – most quail hunters just go away quietly, rather than stand up and work to restore