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NBCI Releases State of the Bobwhite 2021

About NBCI

Headquartered at Clemson University’s College of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, NBCI is a science and habitat-based initiative of the National Bobwhite Technical Committee (NBTC) to elevate bobwhite quail recovery from an individual state-by-state proposition to a coordinated, range-wide leadership endeavor to restore wild bobwhites on a landscape scale. The committee is comprised of representatives of 25 state wildlife agencies, various academic research institutions and private conservation organizations. Support for NBCI is provided by the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program, 25 state wildlife agencies, the Joe Crafton Family Endowment for Quail Initiatives, Clemson University, Roundstone Native Seed, and Park Cities Quail.
Media contact: Penny Barnhart,

NBCI Bobwhite Almanac, State of the Bobwhite 2021

As we reflect on this historic year, there is much to be thankful. We have endured and persevered. We have sheltered in
place but creatively carried on. The challenges have tested our resolve, our bonds and values, and our strength. Progress
was made and bold new directions embraced. We absolutely have much more to do, because our covey remains a bit
scattered. The comeback calls are starting; the conversations continue while individual reunions reestablish shared
purpose. A new home and decision on a business model await. The covey will pull together, once more, choose the path,
and continue our fight!


State of the Bobwhite 2021 is a range-wide snapshot of population, hunting, and conservation status of the northern bobwhite, as well as features on various projects of interest around the core bobwhite range. The digital version may be accessed at