Dallas R. Ingram, a seven-year veteran of the Bobwhite Quai Initiative in the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ private lands program, has been named Georgia’s new state quail biologist.
“Dallas has been a biologist with the Bobwhite Quail Initiative in the Georgia Private Lands Program since 2011 and has proven to be a great resource for both landowners and professionals,” said Game Management Program Manager Dr. Jessica McGuire. “Bobwhite quail are a high-profile wildlife resource in this state and we look forward to seeing her thrive in her new role.”
“We know Dallas and her work in Georgia, and we congratulate her on this new, expanded role,” said Don McKenzie, director of the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative. “We wish her every success.”
Ingram’s experience includes providing technical assistance, management plans and Farm Bill guidance for private landowners in 38 counties, managing fall quail covey counts and spring bird counts over 37,000 acres of habitat, managing bobwhite habitat on state wildlife management areas, working with other partner agencies and private conservation groups to promote and implement bobwhite management in the state, and serving as a member of the National Bobwhite Technical Committee and its communications subcommittee. (The committee will have its annual meeting in Albany, GA in August.)
Ingram has a MS in biology from Valdosta State University, a BS in Fisheries and Wildlife from the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forest Resources and an AS in biology from Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College.