Quail Steal the Show

Mary Crowell, Quail Forever Farm Bill Biologist
The University of Missouri Bradford Research Center, outside of Columbia, held a “Bobwhite Quail and Native Pollinator Field Day” on June 20th. Tour participants were so caught up with the chorus of quail calls, I’m not sure they heard much of what we had to tell them!

The University of Missouri Bradford Research Center, outside of Columbia, held a “Bobwhite Quail and Native Pollinator Field Day” on June 20th. One of the stations on the evening wagon tour was a stop to discuss habitat management techniques and a demonstration on how to conduct a fall bobwhite quail covey count. We had set up electronic game callers that played the quail covey call that landowners would hear in the autumn if they wanted to conduct covey counts on their properties.

Key Messages: 

We work with you and for you to sustain healthy forests, fish and wildlife.

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Authors: whitew

Read more http://mdc.mo.gov/blogs/more-quail/quail-steal-show