NBCI/Eastern Grassland Birds Initiative Receives Preliminary Approval

NBCI/Eastern Grassland Birds Initiative Receives Preliminary Approval

April 3, 2009

Pending approval in November 2009 by the Board of Directors of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), NBCI’s proposal for an Eastern Grassland Birds Initiative (EGBI) is set to begin in 2010.

 The EGBI, a collaboration among Southeast Partners in Flight, American Bird Conservancy, Quail Unlimited, Inc., University of Tennessee’s Center for Native Grasslands and the Southeast Quail Study Group (i.e., National Bobwhite Technical Committee), has been recognized by NFWF as a “Keystone Initiative,” bringing together key ecosystems, wildlife species and natural resource partners.

 The geography of the EGBI includes 10 Bird Conservation Regions 22 Eastern Tallgrass Prairie, 24 Central Hardwoods, 25 West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas, 26 Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 27 Southeastern Coastal Plain, 28 Appalachian Mountains, 29 Piedmont, 30 New England / Mid-Atlantic Coast, 31 Peninsular Florida and 37 Gulf Coastal Prairie).

 The NBCI/EGBI will provide leadership for conservation of grassland birds via 5 staff positions focusing on policy development and implementation of conservation programs. Inquiries about the EGBI should be sent to NBCI Coordinator Don McKenzie, wmidm@centurytel.net.