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- Create Date December 27, 2022
- Last Updated January 13, 2023
NBCI’s Bobwhite Almanac/State of the Bobwhite Report is an annual publication of the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) to provide a range-wide snapshot of population, hunting and conservation status of the northern bobwhite, as well as looks at efforts underway to reverse the bobwhite decline.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction by John Morgan, Director of NBGI
- Quail Tracks: Brief but Important Snapshots of Quail Activity in NBGI Partner States
- Achievements and NBTC Leadership Award
- Policy: Influencing National Legislation to Benefit Bobwhites and Grasslands
- Grasslands: Native Grasslands: The Rodney Dangerfield of Biomes
- Science: 9th National Quail Symposium
- Science: Advancing the Coordinated Implementation Program
- State Conservation Reports
- NBGI State Agency Bobwhite Habitat Inventory Index
- NBGI State Agencies List and Acronyms
- NBGI Financial Statement