Arkansas Strategic Quail Plan – 2015

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  • Create Date December 12, 2015
  • Last Updated December 12, 2015

Arkansas Strategic Quail Plan - 2015

This plan was developed by wildlife biologists employed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Large portions of this plan are adapted from the 2001 plan written by Fred Ward and the small game team that were subsequently revised in 2006 by Steven Fowler and the Quail Team. We greatly appreciate their efforts in moving quail management in Arkansas forward.

Thanks to the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, this plan offers a more universal direction. The NBCI works on a unified range-wide strategy to restore populations of northern bobwhite. They offer guidance with the help of 25 state wildlife agencies, as well as numerous conservation groups and research institutions, to achieve widespread restoration of native grassland habitats and huntable populations of wild quail. The landscape-scale, habitat-based strategic plan establishes the first-ever national vision and road map for habitat restoration and population recovery. Don McKenzie of Ward, Arkansas, is the executive director of NBCI. He has provided valuable guidance toward quail recovery.

Several Wildlife Division staff also played vital roles in identifying recovery potential throughout Arkansas, which helped to set quail population recovery goals.