Quail 8: Proceedings of the 8th National Quail Symposium

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  • Create Date July 10, 2018
  • Last Updated July 10, 2018

Quail 8: Proceedings of the 8th National Quail Symposium

National Quail Symposium Proceedings serve as the “Consumer Reports” of the quail world, with all contributions peer-reviewed. This is the eighth in the series of national quail symposia proceedings, going back to 1972, and over 200 quail enthusiasts attended, from as far west as California, south to Mexico, north to Canada, and from most of the range of the northern bobwhite. The next edition of the proceedings will not be available until 2022, so this is a rare opportunity to learn about the latest in quail conservation.

Quail 8 features current quail management and research, updates of three quail plans (National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, Western Quail Management Plan, and California state quail plan), a ground-breaking assessment of translocation of wild northern bobwhites, case studies of quail response to habitat management, and assessments of the future of the endangered masked bobwhite of Arizona and Mexico.

Quail 8 is a product of the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative/National Bobwhite Technical Committee, and is a sanctioned technical workshop of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.