The National Bobwhite Technical Committee (NBTC) is comprised of over 100 wildlife professionals from state and federal agencies, universities, and private organizations. The group was formed in 1995 for the purpose of:
- Identifying factors responsible for population declines of Bobwhites and other associated early successional wildlife species.
- Identifying gaps in knowledge about the Bobwhite population dynamics and ecology.
- Developing and implementing solutions to habitat and population management problems.
- Providing sound scientifically based information to stakeholders, administrators, and policy makers.
- Developing and implementing solutions to specific Bobwhite population, habitat and management problems.
- Perpetuating the tradition of the sport of wild Bobwhite quail hunting.
The primary mission of the NBTC is to provide leadership and technical guidance for the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative. The NBTC holds an annual meeting each summer.

NBGI-TC Annual Membership
An NBGI-TC membership allows individuals as members to vote on NBGI-TC committee seat vacancies. Dues are collected every year at the annual meeting as part of the meeting registration. If you are unable to attend the meeting and wish to stay current as an NBGI-TC individual member please click the “Annual Membership” image or use the QR code with your phone.
(Annual membership-$35 per year.)
Steering Committe
The NBTC is guided by a 12-member Steering Committee. The Group also has five working Subcommittees:
- Agricultural Policy
- Forest Management
- Grassland/Grazing Land
- Communications
- Science
Steering Committee member and Subcommittee chair contact information can be accessed at the links below.
The NBTC conducts an annual meeting, usually in August. While updates on quail management and research efforts are given, this meeting primarily provides the committee and subcommittee members an opportunity to discuss and take action on various quail-related issues. Criteria for Affiliation Voting members shall consist of dues-paying wildlife professionals (minimum B.S. degree in Wildlife or related science, or employed in a full-time capacity in a quail management position by a state or federal agency, recognized conservation group, or private company). Other individuals may associate with the NBTC and be included on the mailing list by payment of annual dues if they have an interest in the conservation and welfare of wild Bobwhite quail. Annual dues are $35. You may pay through the QR code above or checks should be made payable to: National Bobwhite and Grassland Initiative Technical Committee, c/o Penny Barnhart, 1715 Madison Avenue, Maryville, TN 37804.