Webinar Description:
Herbicides are an important tool in both forest and wildlife management in the south and particularly in southern pine management. The common practice of heavy chemical site prep prescriptions in forest management may not be appropriate in stands where restoration and wildlife habitat is the objective. The webinar will address herbicide uses in longleaf restoration with a focus on minimizing the impact herbicides have on a healthy and diverse groundcover, including the fine fuels and plants that are beneficial to bobwhite quail, whitetail deer and the wild turkey.
Hosted by:
Ryan Mitchell, Outreach and Technical Assistance Coordinator for The Longleaf Alliance. Ryan has a B.S. in Wildlife Science from Auburn University. Prior to the Longleaf Alliance, Ryan was with the Alabama Wildlife Federation where he was tasked with executing their Longleaf Restoration Project through technical assistance to landowners. He is a Past-President of the Alabama Prescribed Fire Council and a member of The Wildlife Society. Ryan is also certified as an Associate Wildlife Biologist® by The Wildlife Society and a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager in Alabama.
Ryan, his wife Kathryn, and daughter Amelia live in south Alabama with their two dogs, Buckwheat and Max. They spend time managing their family’s timber, including natural longleaf.
View this webinar through the Forestry Webinar Portal at http://www.forestrywebinars.net/webinars/understory-herbicides-for-bobwhites-and-other-wildlife-1/