NEBRASKALand Magazine: “The Year to Become a Quailer”

It is like no other form of hunting.

It is exhilarating, action-packed, and humbling to even the most practiced shotgun shooter!

I should know. I grew up with it on our southeastern Nebraska farm.

What kind of hunting is it?

IT is hunting the northern bobwhite quail.

Have you ever hunted quail?

It’s awesome! You need to try it. And, their numbers this year look outstanding!

Northern bobwhite quail abundance again increased statewide and in most regions of the state compared to 2016, based on the July Rural Mail Carrier and Whistle Count Surveys.

“Quail numbers are near all-time highs over much of their range in Nebraska, so this should be an excellent year for quail hunters and those interested in becoming quail hunters,” says Jeff Lusk, Upland Game Program Manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

“This should be the best year for quail in quite a long time, adds Lusk. “It’s been about 20 years or more since quail populations have been this high.” It would be a fantastic year to discover or rediscover hunting the northern bobwhite quail in Nebraska,” he emphasizes.

Read more about quail hunting in Nebraska this year.