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     RCPP National Coordinator and an Administrative Assistant! We aim to fill these positions by August 1, 2024.
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Quail Are Living “On the Edge,” Updated Publication Now Available

Jason Sykes, Area Biologist
The popular publication On the Edge – A Guide to Managing Land for Bobwhite Quail has undergone a makeover.

First published in 2003, the MDC publication On the Edge – A Guide to Managing Land for Bobwhite Quail, has recently been updated and expanded. In an age where on-line articles can…

Jason Sykes, Area Biologist
The popular publication On the Edge – A Guide to Managing Land for Bobwhite Quail has undergone a makeover.

First published in 2003, the MDC publication On the Edge – A Guide to Managing Land for Bobwhite Quail, has recently been updated and expanded. In an age where on-line articles can change daily, or even hourly, a decade or more is a long time between updates to a hard copy publication. As the saying goes, though, good things come to those that wait!


Key Messages: 

We work with you and for you to sustain healthy forests, fish and wildlife.

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Authors: sykesj

Read more http://mdc.mo.gov/blogs/more-quail/quail-are-living-edge-updated-publication-now-available-0