Got Quail, Pheasant or Turkey?

Travis Dinsdale, Area Biologist, St. Joseph
How many quail, pheasant, and turkey broods have you seen and in which counties?

I’ve heard several good reports of quail, pheasant, and turkey broods throughout Missouri. I have personally seen four turkey broods, two quail broods, and one pheasant brood in the northwest part o…

Travis Dinsdale, Area Biologist, St. Joseph
How many quail, pheasant, and turkey broods have you seen and in which counties?

I’ve heard several good reports of quail, pheasant, and turkey broods throughout Missouri. I have personally seen four turkey broods, two quail broods, and one pheasant brood in the northwest part of the state. Now is the time you should be seeing all types of young wildlife.

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