Quail Forever Journal

In “Making CRP Work Better for Quail” in the summer 2011 issue of the Quail Forever Journal, Dave Smith writes “The future of declining bobwhite quail conservation is inherently linked to the future of the equally troubled Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) recently released a comprehensive revision of its quail recovery plan — The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative: A Range-wide Plan for Recovering Bobwhites, a.k.a. NBCI Version 2.0 — a unified strategy to restore wild quailpopulations. The 233-page report and associated interactive geospatialdatabases leave few stones unturned in describing what needs to be done, and where, to restore bobwhite populations to levels of 1980. The NBCI analyzed quail restoration potential on 600 million acres across the 25 states within the quail range and concluded that implementation of recommended management actions on 195 million of those acres would add 4.6 million coveys — 55 million bobwhites — to the fall population.” Quail Forever, a participant in the National Bobwhite Technical Committee, has graciously allowed us to share the full story with you HERE.