◊ Job Openings Alert ◊◊: The National Bobwhite and Grassland Initiative Foundation (NBGIF) is hiring an
     RCPP National Coordinator and an Administrative Assistant! We aim to fill these positions by August 1, 2024.
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Bobwhite Terrorism – Threat Level High

… Join the Kentucky Bobwhite Battalion

By John Morgan

Satan on Earth was exterminated last week thanks to the uncanny stealth and tactical abilities of the world’s most elite military personnel.  God bless Navy Seal Team 6! Ding dong the witch is dead!

Bobwhite quail face their own “terrorists” that continue to threaten their existence.  The quail foes are even more difficult to corral, because they are the silent and omnipresent enemy – us!!!!  On the bright side, quail terrorists harbor no ill will or deep rooted resentment.  But the “enemy” does wield ignorance and apathy, and if you are a bobwhite, this is an extremely dangerous tandem of WMDs (weapons of mass destruction, of course!).

We can learn a lot from how America’s military took down the world’s most wanted terrorist and apply those techniques to turning the tide for bobwhite.  Intelligence was a key to eliminate the Prince of Darkness, and we currently have the intelligence to proliferate the Prince of Gamebirds.  Check!  Military leaders built a stategic plan.  Wildlife biologists built a national and a Kentucky restoration plan.  Check!

Things seem to be looking pretty good so far, huh?  Time for the reality check.  What about Navy Seal Team 6?  We have the intelligence and the plan, but we need skilled and elite soldiers! That’s where we need YOU!

What we propose is our own army of bobwhite supporters called the “KY Bobwhite Battalion”.   We are recruiting individuals that are passionate about bobwhite, the upland bird hunting heritage, or land stewardship.  We hope to arm the battalion with intelligence and strategic objectives to help transform their local community from bobwhite terrorists to bobwhite managers.

We need doctors, lawyers, mailmen, accountants, teachers, mechanics, farmers, and politicians (yeah, them too! Just the good ones though!), among others to work locally to inform and guide landowners.  Believe it or not, when Department employees show up on a property and announce, “I’m with the government and I’m here to help”, some folks get a little uncomfortable.  Go figure!  Local people bring local credibility; it’s as simple as that.

What say you?  Can we count on you to enlist in the battalion?  The 21st Century provides the unique ability to network via social media like Facebook.  Perhaps you don’t use Facebook yet, so this a perfect reason to get started, right?  We’ll do our best to keep the group up-to-date on news and happenings from the KY Quail Project – from research to field reports to successes and failures.  We hope some of our “soldiers” share their ideas and thoughts as well.  Click HERE to enlist in the Bobwhite Special Forces (and watch for a Facebook link to be added to this page later).

If not you, then who?