◊ Job Openings Alert ◊◊: The National Bobwhite and Grassland Initiative Foundation (NBGIF) is hiring an
     RCPP National Coordinator and an Administrative Assistant! We aim to fill these positions by August 1, 2024.
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Kansas City Star Reports on NBCI

Covey call: National initiative tries to bring the bobwhite back

Don McKenzie is leading a rescue mission.

The creature he and others are trying to save? The bobwhite quail.

That’s no small task.

The brown and white gamebird once was common in this part of the country, the object of hunting lore. Many hunters remember the days when bird dogs would regularly freeze on point in brushy fields, coveys of quail would rise in explosive flight and shots would ring out. But that’s mostly history.

Read more of Kansas City Star Outdoor Writer Brent Frazee’s story here.